Online Marketing Strategy

A complete plan to promote your business online

Online Marketing Strategy

Increasing the number of people visiting your website is the simplest way to scale up your online presence and your online sales.

We do this by discovering what your unique market and customers customers need and then optimising your website to meet this need.

We then analyse data collected and refine your website further thus increasing your website’s relevance to your customers. This cycle promotes constant growth, relevance and presence.



Using analytics, fine tune your website for optimal results


Change your website to match customers needs


Find out what your customers need

Online Marketing Outline

Every strategy is tailored to suit specific business requirements and correct audiences and usually involves a mixture of both Paid and Natural search results

These are some of the services that are likely to relate to your campaign


Baseline Measurement

We take a look to see where your business is at right now broadly online to see where we’re working from


Site Audit

We’ll run a complete audit on your website to check for anything like broken links, or slow pages or anything else that could be improved

Choosing Goals

Having specific goals allows us to target campaigns to help you achieve those goals – it may be something simple like increased phone calls, or orders, or it may be something more complex like appearing higher up results than competitors for chosen keywords

Keyword Strategy

We’ll work with you to pick the best keywords that relate to your business and are likely to help you achieve your goals.

The strategy suggests which keywords are best used for Natural Search and which are best used for Paid Search

Website Optimisation

Depending on chosen keywords and goals, we may need to optimise your site to relate to those, if so we can do the changes for you

Campaign Creation

Once everything’s set up nicely on your website, we’ll do all the hard work of setting up the campaign for you and get it launched


Campaign Monitoring

Once launched, we measure how the campaign is performing, measuring keywords, audiences, traffic and goals and then adjust things accordingly


Campaign Refinements

We work directly with Google to look at how your campaign can be refined and improved on an ongoing basis, taking into account seasonal and other trends as well as any other factors like user behaviour during a global pandemic

Content Reporting

You get simple, easy to read weekly reports showing you how your campaign is working and where your website is featured for each of your chosen keywords  – and comparing you with your chosen competitors.

That’s not to say that this is a complete list!
Each client strategy is tailored to suit specific requirements, these are only broad concepts.

One of the best services we offer is simply to look at things from an outside point of view, offer fresh ideas and a different, creative way of thinking to help a business push its digital marketing forwards.

We’ve had years of experience of running online marketing campaigns, so can ensure they’re done right for you to generate the results your business needs without you needing to make expensive mistakes by trying yourself.

Here are some of our more popular marketing techniques:



Search Engine Optimisation

Paid Advertising

Paid Ads through Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and other locations

Reviews Generation

Add more positive reviews to your business

Mailing Lists

Collect valuable customer addresses promote and remarket to

Lead Magnets & Sales Funnels

Generate fully qualified leads