Logo Design



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Brand Design

Creative Process



Logo Design

Why you need a logo and why it matters to your audience.

At Urban Haze, we understand the power of a logo. It’s not just a pretty design; it’s the first impression, the cornerstone of your brand identity. A well-crafted logo grabs attention, sets you apart from the competition, and fosters brand loyalty. It’s what your audience expects and remembers. So, why settle for anything less? Let us create a logo that truly represents your business and makes a lasting impact.

Your logo should be more than just a design.

It serves as the embodiment of your brand, leaving a lasting impression on your audience. At Urban Haze, we comprehend the impact that a well-crafted logo can have in distinguishing you from your competitors and fostering brand loyalty. Allow us to craft a logo that authentically represents your business and leaves a profound and long-lasting influence that’s both distinctive and memorable.

Our Process (See Our Creative Process)

  • Develop a strong  brand identity
  • Look for design inspiration
  • Choose colours that reflect your brand
  • Choose a font
  • Create several versions
  • Respond to feedback
  • Finalise the design

Developing your brand and designing your logo doesn’t need to be challenging. Why not fill in our no-obligation getting to know you form and we’ll help you on your way to a new logo.